The Prime Minister will also tell families a Labor Government will create a new range of jobs, and keep taxes down.
Ms Gillard will use a speech resembling an election campaign opener to stake out economic management as her preferred battleground with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.
“We can choose to stick together and win through – or squabble amongst ourselves and lose out,” the Prime Minister is expected to tell the Australian Israel Chamber of Commerce.
“My line is very clearly drawn. This Labor Government will make the right choices.
“We will build a new Australian economy. We will get working people a fair share. We will get the country ready for the future.”
Yesterday Tony Abbott rejected the mining profits tax set to start in July as too much a burden on industry.
Ms Gillard will today reaffirm that revenue from the tax will fund tax cuts for small businesses and, over time, for all businesses, plus extra superannuates and new infrastructure projects in the regions.
“New business tax arrangements to reward innovation will be the subject of extensive work by the Business Tax Working Group leading to a final report on the future of the business tax system in December,” she is expected to say.
“And through 2012, a new approach to collaborating with industry will be taking shape: through the new portfolio of Industry and Innovation – allied to the structural transition funding in the Clean Energy Future package – and the work of my own manufacturing task force.”
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