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Record numbers of New Zealanders continued to flee to Australia in the 12 months to February, with a net loss to that country of 39,100 people, the latest figures from Statistics New Zealand show.

New Zealand had an overall net loss of 4100 migrants in the year to February, the largest loss since the August 2001 year when a net 4400 left the country.

A total of 53,000 New Zealanders left for Australia for the year, which was also a record, partly offset by 13,900 arrivals from Australia, though most of those were returning Kiwis.

There were net gains of migrants from most other countries, led by 5300 from Britain, 5000 from India and 4800 from China.

Foreign tourism numbers also fell, with the 259,100 arrivals in the month of February down 3 per cent compared with a year earlier.

Population Statistics manager Andrea Blackburn said visitor arrivals decreased despite February having an extra day this year.

“The decrease was partly due to the Chinese New Year holiday period being in January in 2012 as opposed to February in 2011,” Blackburn said.

Fewer visitors arrived from Hong Kong and China last month for that reason.

There were also fewer visitors from the Britain and Japan.

While there were more visitor arrivals from Australia, this was driven by more expat Kiwis making a trip home.

Visitor arrivals in the February 2012 year numbered 2.6m, up 2 per cent from 2011.

The largest annual increases in arrivals were from Australia, China, and Malaysia.

New Zealanders took 116,400 overseas trips in February 2012, up 12 per cent from February 2011.

There were more trips to Australia, up 6900, and the United States, up 1300. In the February 2012 year, New Zealand residents took 2.1m overseas trips, up 4 per cent from 2011.

By Fairfax NZ News


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