You might have visited this website recently and now you’re not sure you’re in the right place. Well you are, it’s just had a facelift. We hope you like it.
I created this site 10 years ago. Then redesigned in early 2016. But now it needed to be changed into what it actually is… a blog.
What’s the difference between a website and a blog – look and feel, posts instead of pages? The same content is displayed in a different way. I was a blogger before blogs were even around.
A blog is a website that can be continually updated with new posts or content. The word ‘blog’ is a contraction of the term weblog, which relates to the reverse chronological order of blogs.
Instead of the standard top menu of a website, look for ‘blog’ or ‘categories’. This is where all the pages/articles/posts are found on the subject, e.g. under ‘money’ you’ll find blog posts on foreign exchange, opening an Australian bank account, first home buyers grants and more.
A great way to find content on a blog is by using the search function: . It will display all the posts that contain the keyword you’ve used. See the example below for money:
As you can see from the above, you will see the posts that contain information on money. The categories they are in, the title of the post, who it was posted by, the date it was posted, a stunning image and an introductory paragraph or two.
When you click the continue reading you can read the full post. When you’ve finished the article, simply ‘go back’ and continue scrolling. It’s easy to scroll through posts and read the ones that interest you.
Blogs are best known for the current content they are continually adding. Ours is about – up-to-date news, what’s happening in Australia, what you should know about moving to Australia, new information on all the subjects you are interested in and ways to take the stress out of your move.
You can view this in the ‘recent posts’ section (right-hand column), in the monthly newsletter, on our FaceBook page, Instagram account, Pinterest and Google + page.
We aim to write one blog post a week and share these with you.
This is where you come in! I’m always looking for gaps in the content we provide. Have you spotted one? Then please let me know! Or if you simply can’t find it in my new design.
You can ask a question in the ‘leave a reply’ section at the bottom of any post. By doing this you will get emailed directly by me with the answer to your question and the answer posted on the site.
If I don’t know the answer I will research it, because I am supposed to know everything about Moving to Australia from New Zealand.
If you don’t want to ask a question but are not on the site, you can email me direct at I will email you back as soon as I can but it can sometimes take a week.
Send an enquiry through my contact form on the contact us page.
I really like helping visitors to my site because I have been researching and re-researching all topics related to moving from New Zealand to Australia for over 10 years.
So if you can’t find what you’re looking for in my new-look blog, please get in touch!
If you need advice on moving to Australia from New Zealand, I’ve created a helpful little questionnaire to point you in the right direction. It takes less than 30 seconds, so give it a go!
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